“Maasai Fashion Takes Center Stage in Humanculture and Paul Kadjo’s Collection ‘Inside Out; The Rebirth of an Untold Story’

“Maasai Fashion Takes Center Stage in Humanculture and Paul Kadjo’s Collection ‘Inside Out; The Rebirth of an Untold Story’

“Maasai Fashion Takes Center Stage in Humanculture and Paul Kadjo’s Collection ‘Inside Out; The Rebirth of an Untold Story’

NEW YORK, May 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Humanculture, a non-profit organization creating sustainable change through community and cultural projects, has partnered with Paul Kadjo, a celebrated fashion designer and winner of the Best Sustainability Award at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin 2021, to create a one-of-a-kind fashion collection that honors Maasai style. The collection will be a true collaboration with Maasai people, grounded in eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices.

Titled “Inside Out; The Rebirth of an Untold Story” the project aims to challenge the historically Eurocentric view of people and culture rooted on the African continent. Led by Paul Kadjo, the team works closely with the Maasai people at Humanculture to translate traditional garments and cultural objects into a modern bespoke fashion collection that embodies the subtle art of communicating in codes, fine craftsmanship and storytelling, all elements of our modern concept of luxury.

“We are honored to be working with Paul Kadjo to create a fashion collection that is sustainable and elevated,” said Stephanie Zabriskie, founder of Humanculture. “This collaboration will be sourced in Africa, furthering this new age of fashion that is both luxurious and socially responsible. I’ve been eager to fuse Maasai aesthetics with modern silhouettes for quite some time.” Humanculture projects are led by an all Maasai board to ensure they are beneficial to the community and aligned with the culture. “We are excited to be together with Paul Kadjo to celebrate our loved Maasai culture and share this with the world,” said Maasai Counselor Rokoine Diwani. 

The project involves traveling to Tanzania to locally source textiles and materials specific to Maasai fashion. Paul and his team will collaborate directly with Humanculture’s Maasai team, listening and gaining hands-on inspiration directly from the source. The creative process will be captured through photo and video. The end result will be a cutting-edge collection that blends traditional Maasai style with modern fashion design.

“I believe that storytelling, community, and craftsmanship are essential to creating enduring luxury.” said Paul Kadjo. “This collection is about responsibly collaborating with Maasai people and sharing that beauty with the world. Our ‘Inside Out’ collection will showcase the beauty of Maasai culture while supporting the local community through proceeds from the collection.” said Kadjo. The fashion collection will be unveiled in early 2024, accompanied by several art exhibitions in the United States and internationally. To make a donation or inquire about partnering, visit the Humanculture website.

About Humanculture:

Humanculture is a non-profit organization working to preserve the life and culture of African and Indigenous societies, especially in remote areas. Their decolonial projects improve sustainable access to safe water, food security, health services, education and economic freedom.

About Paul Kadjo:

Paul Kadjo is a celebrated designer whose work explores his own identity and heritage. Born in Germany and raised in the Ivory Coast, Paul draws on Africa’s closeness to nature and pairs that with the European innovative zeitgeist, enabling him to live holistically and communicate between the worlds.

For more information about the Maasai fashion collection, please visit: www.Humanculture.org/couture

SOURCE Maasai Water Project

Originally published at https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/maasai-fashion-takes-center-stage-in-humanculture-and-paul-kadjos-collection-inside-out-the-rebirth-of-an-untold-story-301819574.html
Images courtesy of https://pixabay.com

The post “Maasai Fashion Takes Center Stage in Humanculture and Paul Kadjo’s Collection ‘Inside Out; The Rebirth of an Untold Story’ first appeared on Old Post Books.

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