The free movie we have as this week’s Friday Fright Nights feature is the supernatural horror movie Dark Entities
A full Free Movie of the Day is posted on the JoBlo Horror Movies YouTube channel every other day during the week – but on Fridays things get even freakier and a little more fun. Get your weekend started the right way by indulging in Friday Fright Nights! Every Friday, we’ll be taking a look at another genre movie you can watch in its entirety, free of charge, either on the YouTube channel linked above or in the video embed here.
The Friday Fright Night feature we have for your viewing pleasure this week is the supernatural horror film Dark Entities, which marks the feature writing and directing debut of Brandon McLemore. As far as debut features go, McLemore has made a rather nice-looking one, even if the low budget is quite apparent throughout. That could be the benefit of his upbringing, being the son of a cinematographer father and a mother who helped run a photography studio. McLemore has also chosen to make a haunted house movie as his first feature, which is always a clever choice, since it allows the story to play out, for the most part, in a single location.
The filmmaker did add a challenge for himself by choosing to set the story in 1977, which was long before he was even born. This required the budget to include period-appropriate clothing and set dressing, but I understand the urge to set the story decades in the past. Doing so lets Dark Entities live beside classics like The Amityville Horror, The Shining, Burnt Offerings, and The Changeling in a way… and alongside even more recent supernatural horror films like The Conjuring and The Black Phone. The ’70s and ’80s setting works really well for horror stories – and you don’t have to worry about writing around pesky modern technology like cell phones and Internet connections.
Dark Entities has the following synopsis: In 1977, the Winters siblings inherit a mysterious house holding dark secrets that threaten everything they hold dear. They exhaust logical explanations without success, forcing them to seek help from a parapsychologist as supernatural forces become life threatening. Can they overcome the darkness?
McLemore reserved a prominent role for himself, and cast Elena Ontiveros, Jackson Lee Turner, Angela Moore, Philip Neil Parker, Warren McLemore, Savanna Lyles, William Jenkins, Jenni Wood, Debra Davenport, Ethan Sharp, Marcus Patten, Lorelei Bachuss, Hailey Beard, Silas Sims, Rhoda Sims, Abner Sims, and Rachel Walker Sims as the characters around his.
Dark Entities has all the usual paranormal activities you’d expect to see in a haunted house movie – and there are moments that are directly reminiscent of moments from some of the movies mentioned earlier. So this isn’t one to watch if you want to see something completely original, but if you don’t mind seeing something that plays with the expected tropes, it’s worth a look.
So check out Dark Entities – it’s free! – and let us know what you thought of it by leaving a comment below or on the YouTube page.
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