The free movie we’re sharing as this week’s Friday Fright Nights feature is the suspense thriller American Apocalypse
A full Free Movie of the Day is posted on the JoBlo Horror Movies YouTube channel every other day during the week – but on Fridays things get even freakier and a little more fun. Get your weekend started the right way by indulging in Friday Fright Nights! Every Friday, we’ll be taking a look at another genre movie you can watch in its entirety, free of charge, either on the YouTube channel linked above or in the video embed here.
The Friday Fright Night feature we have for you this week is director Andrew Robertson’s suspense thriller American Apocalypse, which takes place after a pandemic that went even worse than the one that shut down the world in 2020. And given that it tells a story set in a wasteland where society has crumbled, this is a film that takes me back to my childhood.
That may seem odd to say, but the reason American Apocalypse is a cinematic time machine for me is due to the fact that few story concepts fascinated me more in my youth than the idea of apocalypse. An event that has wiped out most of the world’s residents, and the few remaining survivors still have to make their way through the countryside… and they still have to deal with how dangerous other people can be. However the apocalypse happened, whether the cause be plague (Stephen King’s The Stand), zombie outbreak (Romero’s Dead films), or nukes (The Road Warrior), stories like this have always captured my imagination. They still do to this day, but the interest started when I was young – some would say I was too young to be watching these movies and reading these stories that made me so interested in the end of the world.
For his take on the apocalypse, Robertson chose to wipe out humanity with a plague. And you can witness his vision of the apocalypse in the embed in this article.

Scripted by Robertson and Lilly Kanso, American Apocalypse is also known by the title Refuge (and in fact, that’s how you’ll find it listed on IMDb). The film follows a family’s struggle to survive and rebuild a life in the absence of civilization. In the wake of a catastrophic plague, the family lives a lonely existence, struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources.
Robertson appears in the film alongside Carter Roy, Amy Rutberg, Eva Grace Kellner, Chris Kies, Sebastian Beacon, Travis Grant, Reed Pendergrass, Sam Smith, Vinny Gandolfi, Tom Thon, Cary Strongwater, Seth Scofield, Aimee Kellner, John Thomas Long, Nabil Kanso, Mark Ashworth, Christopher Payne, Anthony B. Harris, Sofia Nour Kanso-Robertson, Joe Manus, Brennan Collins, Mike Altmann, Josiah Staggers, Shane Rahmani, Andrew Burn, Sam Green, Rob Stroud, Rock Heindel, Edwin Vicente-Ortega, Sam West, Tony Gandolfi, Shane Tepper, Andrew Wobertson, Robert Ballew, and Andrew Richards.
Before making American Apocalypse / Refuge, Robertson directed a documentary about the 2008 Presidential election that was called The Battle for Georgia. In the decade since he made this movie, his only credits have been on an episode of the TV show The Food Flirts.
So check out American Apocalypse – it’s free! – and let us know what you thought of it by leaving a comment below or on the YouTube page. Would you like to see another movie from Andrew Robertson?

Originally published at https://www.joblo.com/friday-fright-nights-american-apocalypse/
The post Friday Fright Nights: Watch the suspense thriller American Apocalypse right here! first appeared on Digital Gossips.
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