New from Chestnut Hill Press

The endangered Tatra marmot, from Aldek’s Bestiary, Illustrated by Ted Heck

Norman Rockwell Illustrations from Benjamin Franklin Radzi Jak Źyć
Polish fiction, music biographies, landscape painting
— Kirkus Reviews on Aldek’s Bestiary
PHILADELPHIA, PA, UNITED STATES, December 15, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Chestnut Hill Press, a new Philadelphia-based publisher, has announced six titles on their first list. “Our focus is global literature, music and art, we are proud of our books in each category,” says James Miller, Chief Editor.
Aldek’s Bestiary and Benjamin Franklin by Romuald Roman
Aldek’s Bestiary is in the first rank of the new books. “Polish novelist, Romuald Roman’s first fiction in English has promising early reviews,” announces Miller. Booklife by Publishers Weekly calls the collection “a dynamic, heartfelt and inviting short story collection”, while Kirkus Reviews notes the stories are “Lighthearted, displaying a wry wit.”
Benjamin Franklin Radzi Jak Źyć (Benjamin Franklin Advises How to Live), “also has excellent early support,” he adds. Written by Romuald Roman in Polish for the Polish people, this collection of Franklin’s wit and wisdom includes dozens of illustrations by American artist Norman Rockwell.
Publisher’s list for 2023
No Exit Zone, appearing fall 2023, is an English language adaptation of Ośrodek Zero, Romuald Roman’s riotous 2014 novel described by Tatry Quarterly as “perfect satire on Poland during the communist era, written with verve and wit.”
In the music category, also scheduled for 2023, is Nadia Boulanger: War Years in America and Her Last Decades, the first biographical study of the last half of the great French master teacher’s life. “Written for music lovers, its detailed index and new material—including hundreds of newly-discovered letters exchanged between Boulanger and her disciple Ruth Robbins—will make it valuable for scholars too,” explained James Miller.
Life and Music, by Idil Biret, is a unique historical record of the life of this extraordinary pianist. A consummate musician, intellectually brilliant, humanely sensitive, and spiritually inquisitive, Biret’s prose is stellar. Her memoir will appear in the fall of 2023.
First book on visual arts
Landscapes, also to be released in the fall of 2023, is the first Chestnut Hill Press book on visual arts. It features the works of master oil painter Alden Heck, who taught art at Philadelphia’s Germantown Friends School for forty years. Gallerist Richard Rosenfeld notes, “She captures the moment just before clarity comes.”
You can find Aldek’s Bestiary and Benjamin Franklin Radzi Jak Źyć at www.chestnuthillpress.com and on Amazon.
James Miller
Chestnut Hill Press LLC
+1 360-298-5428
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Romuald Roman on Benjamin Franklin’s Pragmatic Idealism
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