Is “Best-Selling Author” a Scam? | Most Profitable Books to Write
Is becoming a best-selling author everything it’s cracked up to be? Answer: No. The most profitable books to
Is becoming a best-selling author everything it’s cracked up to be? Answer: No. The most profitable books to
Eternity Network International ————————————————————- ➤Video original and produced exclusively by Christocentric Message ➤Footage Licensed through Eternity Network International ➤Speaker: Apostle Joshua Selman ————————————————————- Full Video: Subscribe to this YouTube channel and hit the notification bell to be notified whenever we upload a new video: You can download free unlimited audio messages of Apostle Joshua Selman […]
HYDERABAD, TELANGANA, INDIA, August 22, 2022 / — According to the Market Data Forecast, the global digital business support system market size was valued at USD 2.8 billion in 2022, and it is estimated to reach USD 5.8 billion by 2027. With a registering CAGR of 15.70% during the forecast period. The digital support system […]
Recent audiobook release “I’m Not a Hypocrite I’m Human: How Your Faith Journey is Designed to Get You Out of Your Head and Move You into Your Destiny” from Audiobook Network author T.L. Jackson shares the author’s journey with faith and staying with God despite missteps along the way. Jackson encourages listeners to follow in her footsteps and do their best to get back on the path after failing.
PHILADELPHIA – September 2, 2022 – (
T.L. Jackson, who enjoys listening to gospel music, attending plays, traveling, and reading, has completed her new audiobook “I’m Not a Hypocrite I’m Human: How Your Faith Journey is Designed to Get You Out of Your Head and Move You into Your Destiny”: a stirring faith-based journey of failures along the way toward God’s graces, and how one continues after falling off the path.
“How many times have you intended and set out to do what you believe is right only to face challenges every step of the way?” writes Jackson. “Some obstacles you breeze through. Some put you under more pressure than you are comfortable with, and some totally blindside you and derail your focus.
“It doesn’t make you a bad person to miss the mark, and it certainly doesn’t make you a hypocrite.
“It makes you human.”
Jackson continues, “This is not another book telling you to ‘keep the faith and you will be walking on sunshine.’ It’s a look at the real-life challenges that come up when you decide to have faith on your journey.
“In addition to powerful testimonies to God’s grace (even under pressure), this book was written to comfort, empower, and inspire the readers to do the work that is needed to strengthen their faith daily.”
Published by Audiobook Network, author T.L. Jackson’s new audiobook will motivate listeners to keep their faith and trust in Christ despite times in which they may feel they have failed Him. Sharing her story in an honest and open way, Jackson holds nothing back and creates a stirring tale that will remain with listeners long after its conclusion.
Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “I’m Not a Hypocrite I’m Human: How Your Faith Journey is Designed to Get You Out of Your Head and Move You into Your Destiny” by T.L. Jackson through Audible, the Apple iTunes Store, or Amazon.
Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors’ books or e-books to life through audio narration. ABN handles narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.
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Author T.L. Jackson’s new Audiobook ‘I’m Not a Hypocrite I’m Human’ is an important work on getting back up after failing and continuing onward
DELRAY BEACH, Fla. – September 2, 2022 – (
Dr. Arnold O. Thompson, who holds two B.A.s, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctorate in Theology, has completed his new audiobook “Deliver Us from Evil: A Prayer for Our Times”: a thought-provoking and eye-opening examination of where the Christian currently stands, and how its leaders have allowed its messages to be overrun and co-opted by those who only seek to increase their wealth.
“‘Deliver Us from Evil: A Prayer for Our Times’ is a book written for the volatile evil times in which we live and what primarily the Christian church needs to know and do about it,” writes Thompson. “Its purpose is to move beyond the performance stage to view the backstage, to look behind at the often unrecognized spiritual and evil infrastructure that constantly influence and corrupt what we see on the world’s popular stage. It explains why truth on every level is under attack. It exposed the satanic strategy of lies, camouflage, hidden agendas, hidden spiritual wars that contribute to evil in the world. It reveals the many ways in which the Christian church is being dragged into wars God did not call us to fight while neglecting the one he called us to fight. It reveals why the evangelical church is so deadly silent about God’s good news to our world while evil news is always viral in our times.
“Most of all, this book lays out how we must fight our battles. It reveals the detailed biblical battle plan God gave his followers to follow, to fight, and to win. It shows the path back to the real spiritual war against evil God called his people to engage. It delivers the often hidden foundational reason and purpose for Christ’s prophetic prayer to his followers. This book shows Jesus’s prayer was meant particularly for our times and dispensation just before he returns to finally and ultimately ‘deliver us from evil.’ It is one of the most important Christian books for survival for the Christian church’s effective witness in our times.”
Published by Audiobook Network, author Dr. Arnold O. Thompson’s new audiobook challenges the Christian church to look inward and remove those with greed in their hearts who abuse the Lord’s word for personal gain. By choosing to listen to God’s guidance rather than those that claim to, Dr. Thompson encourages Christians to unite and overcome modern-day problems that stand in the church’s way of reaching out to those who need the Lord’s embrace the most.
Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “Deliver Us from Evil: A Prayer for Our Times” by Dr. Arnold O. Thompson through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon.
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Byesbille, OH – September 2, 2022 – (
Fulton Books author Angel McKinney, a mother of two and a grandmother of four, has completed her most recent book “Billy the Bully”: a heartwarming children’s story that introduces a bull named Billy. He is a young bull who likes to hang around with the older bulls. He begins to learn some bad habits, like being mean to all the other animals on the farm. He calls them names, scares them with his horns, and makes fun of the way they look.
Author Angel McKinney writes, “So one day he finally got to start school. He was so excited. He was gonna learn all kinds of new things and maybe make some new friends. While out on recess, he was trying to get some of the kids to play with him. He would stomp his hooves and snort and then charge at them. All the kids would just run away from him. The more he did this, the less the kids would want to play with him. Then finally one day, none of the kids would play with him. This made Billy very sad. So Billy started using mean words to the kids that wouldn’t play with him, like making fun of them just because they were different.”
Published by Fulton Books, Angel McKinney’s book aims to give parents a hand at teaching children right and wrong by offering a lesson to be learned through the eyes of farm animals.
The engaging story follows Billy as he learns an important lesson about how to treat others with kindness. Complete with colorful illustrations that draw young readers and listeners into the world of the farm, this memorable tales provides readers of all ages with a valuable lesson.
Readers who wish to experience this creative work can purchase “Billy the Bully” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
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Angel McKinney’s New Book ‘Billy the Bully’ is a Charming Children’s Story That Offers an Example of How to Treat People Equally and With Respect
PALO ALTO, Calif. – September 2, 2022 – (
Fulton Books author Prith Banerjee, Ph.D., who currently is the Chief Technology Officer at Ansys, and serves on the board of directors of Turntide Technologies, has completed his most recent book “The Innovation Factory”: a potent look at the best methodologies for increasing successful innovations from all sides.
“Even though a quarter of a century has passed since Clayton Christensen’s ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma’ was first published, business leaders still find themselves confronted with the same problem,” writes Banerjee. “A profound disconnect too often exists between innovation development and business outcomes. Companies say they want the stimulus of innovation and even handsomely fund their in-house R&D. Yet when it comes time for a call to action, such as launching a new product or service, they often back away from the risk. Sadly, the American corporation’s decision makers all too often decide to play it safe, and the innovation doesn’t go into play at all.
“In my thirty-five-year technology career, from academia, to my own start-ups, and to managing innovation in enterprise environments, I have encountered many large companies who have R&D collaborations with academia and with start-ups. Open innovation with academia and start-ups, the focal point of this book, is not new. Unfortunately, many of these collaborations do not result in true innovation. My book explores the ingredients of the secret sauce required to generate successful open innovation.
“‘The Innovation Factory’ provides essential, practical guidance for all parties wishing to work toward successful collaborations that achieve innovation in its many aspects. Perhaps you have already launched some partnerships; if so, this book will help both of you make them more successful. Whether you have or have not, this is the only book you need to launch and partner in open innovation initiatives.”
Published by Fulton Books, Prith Banerjee, Ph.D.’s book will transform how readers think of and approach innovation. Successfully using his own personal experiences with innovation within academia, start-ups, and large corporate settings, Banerjee provides the basic building blocks of what innovation is meant to be.
Readers who wish to experience this groundbreaking work can purchase “The Innovation Factory” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
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NEW YORK – September 2, 2022 – (
Fulton Books author, Chris Cokley, a native of the East Side of Savannah, Georgia, a UAB graduate, a professional basketball player, has completed his most recent book “Forever Friends: Do We Still Wear Masks?”: a sweet story about two friends who were forced to stay at home due to the ongoing virus. Aubree misses seeing her friends, especially Angela. Her parents did the best that they could to play with her but it wasn’t just the same as playing with Angela. Will a time come for her and Angela to meet and play again?
Cokley shares, “This book was written to help children understand that it does not matter the color of your skin or even if a person looks different — a friendship is based on the kindness in your heart.”
Published by Fulton Books, Chris Cokley’s book is a charming picture book that promotes friendship and kindness. It also depicts the current health protocol that one must follow nowadays.
This lighthearted read will surely put a smile on a reader’s face.
Readers who wish to experience this delightful work can purchase “Forever Friends: Do We Still Wear Masks?” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
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Chris Cokley’s New Book ‘Forever Friends: Do We Still Wear Masks?’ is a Wonderful Tale of Friendship That Transcends Race
MIDLOTHIAN, Texas – September 2, 2022 – (
Fulton Books author Jerry Nance, the seventh child of 11 and the third of four sons, has completed his most recent book “On My Own”: a stirring and emotional autobiographical work that shares the author’s tumultuous journey through life.
Author Jerry Nance discusses his work, writing, “While going through rehab for a drug and alcohol addiction, I was told to start writing my life story. It was very difficult since I am dyslexic and know what I want to say but just can’t spell words very well. My sister, Maura Jo, helped me through the rehab and my addictions – she and her family went through a lot with me. My son Jarrod currently is caring for me and letting me stay at his house and I keep an eye on things when he is deployed. My sister Eileen helped to type my book and put it together for the publisher, she was one of the few in my family that didn’t know all of the things that I went through in my life until she typed this. I just wish my parents were still alive to read this.”
Published by Fulton Books, Jerry Nance’s book tackles important issues, revealing the author’s experience with drug and alcohol addiction, as well as loss and grief. The work also shares how the author has dealt with obstacles such as hearing loss and dyslexia.
This engrossing work invites readers to see themselves reflected in the author’s story and follow along on his journey through life throughout the years.
Readers who wish to experience this heart-wrenching work can purchase “On My Own” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes & Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
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JACKSONVILLE, Ark. – September 2, 2022 – (
Fulton Books author Isiah Bennett, a skilled preacher and teacher anointed by God, has completed his most recent book “Keeping a Level Head of Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic”: a timely and poignant work that discusses the COVID-19 pandemic as the catalyst that exposed the true belief and trust in God. This compelling work was designed to help people from all walks of life who are struggling.
Author Isiah Bennett has been preaching and teaching the Word of God for over 20 years. He started as a deacon at Greater New Hope Baptist Church, North Little Rock, Arkansas. He was a dedicated deacon who stood by and supported the vision of his pastor. In this position, he learned all aspects concerning the administration and day-to-day operations of the church. This experience was invaluable when the Lord called him to pastor. He pastored the flock at Shady Grove Baptist Church in Tucker, Arkansas, for two years. Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the church experienced spiritual and physical growth during his tenure. In September 2007, the Lord moved him to the Greater New Hope Baptist Church in Little Rock Arkansas.
Rev. Bennett is a member of the Greater Little Rock Baptist Pastoral and Ministers Conference. He has studied in Old Testament and New Testament survey, basic theology, and the fundamentals of faith, as well as Christological preaching, which is seeing Christ throughout the whole Bible. He is self-educated through the divine power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He is articulate in the hermeneutics, which is the methodological breakdown of the Holy Scriptures.
He is married to Cheryl Bennett, and they have five adult children and 13 grandchildren. All their children who live nearby are actively involved in the ministry.
Author Isiah Bennett discusses his work, sharing, “Our character and conduct are what define each of us as human beings as well as believers who have accepted Christ. God has divinely given all of us a measure of faith. How we respond to adversities in life is determined by what level of faith we have attained. During this worldwide pandemic, fear has taken a front seat and left faith in God as a secondary alternative. If there is ever a time to unleash the power of God and his church, it is now. Whatever denomination you may be or even if you have no affiliation with a religious preference, there is still a fabric that binds us together as humans.”
He continues, “Originally, God divinely inspired me to teach a systematic Bible study to strengthen believers when COVID-19 first came to our shores. But one day as I was consoling a member that was experiencing a personal pandemic (his wife was contemplating divorce, and his son had recently been murdered, coupled with this worldwide coronavirus pandemic), God instructed me to write this book.”
Published by Fulton Books, Isiah Bennett’s book is scripturally based and inspired by God to be used for Bible or personal studies. This captivating work encourages those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as a Lord and Savior.
Readers who wish to experience this engaging work can purchase “Keeping a Level Head of Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic” at select bookstores, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.
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Isiah Bennett’s New Book ‘Keeping a Level Head of Faith in the Midst of a Pandemic’ Highlights How God Uses Every Situation to Bring Glory to His Name