Recent release ‘LIFE PRINCIPLES FOR THE VOYAGE OF LIFE: Valuable Wisdom for the Maturing Adolescent’ from Covenant Books author Lee Selvage explores practical, everyday topics that many people encounter along the journey of life, such as love, sex, marriage, and money management.
ALABASTER, Ala. – September 7, 2022 – (
Lee Selvage, a certified addiction counselor and licensed minister currently serving as an associate pastor in a small church, has completed his new book, “LIFE PRINCIPLES FOR THE VOYAGE OF LIFE: Valuable Wisdom for the Maturing Adolescent”: an engaging work that discusses how to take care of one’s body, avoiding drugs, making friends, and how to cope with the many changes that one experiences throughout life’s journey. The author offers valuable insight obtained through years of study and actual life experiences.
Author Lee Savage introduces his work, writing, “As I begin writing this little book for all the young boys and girls who are about to become teens, my life has advanced to its twilight. However, with all the twists and turns, obstacles and detours, it has been an interesting journey. There have been lots of happy years, but there have also been some sad years. Unfortunately, the sad years were created through my own mistakes and bad choices.”
He continues, “However, my goal for this piece of writing is to share wisdom and understanding with America’s youth as they begin this long but quick voyage we call life. It will seem to be a long journey; however, it will go by very quickly. So let me share with you some secrets, facts, and generally good advice about life that will help you if you learn and heed it. Perhaps it will prevent you from making a lot of the same mistakes that I and many others have made over the course of our lives.”
Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Lee Selvage’s new book concludes with an ominous warning of what may possibly happen as the church age ends.
Readers can purchase “LIFE PRINCIPLES FOR THE VOYAGE OF LIFE: Valuable Wisdom for the Maturing Adolescent” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.
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Original Source:
Author Lee Selvage’s New Book, ‘LIFE PRINCIPLES for the VOYAGE of LIFE,’ Answers Questions About the Christian Faith and How to Develop a Relationship With Jesus Christ