Can I Consider my House my Home?
— Joan Groves
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, June 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Joan Romney Groves, a retired school counselor, reveals that there is no place like home in her great read-aloud book Where Is My Home?. Joan’s well-penned book shows the importance of knowing exactly where each person belongs and the universal need for acceptance and belonging. It shows how initial judgments can be substituted with empathy, understanding, and second chances but at the same time, a tender tale to open the door to discussions about what home really means and how determination can lead us to where our destination lies despite the detours and roadblocks we may find in our journey. “Groves has created a believable, meaningful saga of a little, lost kitten. Sonic is one of four siblings in the caring household of the Jakes family. Brooke and Danny adore the kittens—all but Sonic. He’s cute with soft, grey fur but not friendly or cuddly. He doesn’t like being petted. He hisses, growls, and even scratches the children when they try to play with him. When the time comes to find homes for the four kittens, no one wants Sonic, but a friend suggests a place in the country where several “wild cats” live. When they drop Sonic there, he jumps out and excitedly
explores his new surroundings. But left alone, he soon encounters enemies, including a smelly skunk. He begins to search for a home. Over the course of nine months, he makes his way back to the Jakes family, who are amazed to discover that he has grown tame and really wants to stay with them.” — The US Review of Books.
The author bases this colorful offering on a true story, expressing her belief that children “learn empathy and character development” from such stories. Her own empathy on the particular subject matter is evident in the lost, confused, and combative kitten in her story. The situations she imagines for the wandering feline are suggestive where children can easily grasp the underlying message behind every situation Sonic finds himself in.
“Confucius is credited to have said, “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.” In “Where Is My Home,” author Joan Romney Groves recounts an adventure of a kitten named Sonic who unintentionally embarked upon a 30-mile journey over a time period of 9 months to find its way home; which seems impossible yet is the basis of this true story.”
Reviewed by Erica Diamond Joan Romney Groves, author of the must read-aloud book Where Is My Home? was an elementary school counselor for 23 years before her retirement. She received the 2004 Utah School Counselor of the Year Award. Joan also holds a BS (cum laude) from the University of Utah and a MEd from Brigham Young University.
Joan is also a mother of six beautiful children and a grandmother of 28. She wants children to learn
positive values by reading true stories. Joan also published the book The Antique Organ and Other
Stories for the Gale History Center, as well as family histories.
Where Is My Home?
Written By: Joan Romney Groves
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Book copies are available at Amazon and other online book resellers.
Dana Reyes
Authors Press
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Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/579264584/the-los-angeles-times-festival-of-books-of-2022-presents-where-is-my-home
Books - Reality Syndicate Viewers originally published at Books - Reality Syndicate Viewers