Explores the culture of the times during the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus
COLUMBUS, OHIO, UNITED STATES, July 7, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — You will be most inspired to read this fascinating original prose meditation that explores the culture of the times during the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The book is at once a religious meditation, a historic study, and a novel of human drama. It depicts the prehistoric setting and ancient culture of people, showing that the ancient people are connected to the simple life of Mary, and us today, through the common element of all people and all times, namely, living daily life. Atzberger makes the point that all human activity, like it or not, is subtly imbued with moral choices. Atzberger observes that in the millions of days from those ancient times to Mary’s time, the same human nature made many changes in culture and traditions. For instance, we see Mary and her mother offer a delicious meal to an elderly neighbor who is ill, or we see her make new friendships with community people.
Readers also get insight into the holy days that Jewish people, their extended families, and communities gather to share. They celebrate these sacred days in community worship as well as feasting and relaxing with their extended families. Further delving into Mary’s life, Atzberger explains Mary’s childhood events regarding celebrating the holy rituals and services in her village of Nazareth. Reading the book shows the historic tidbit that the ancient Jewish community marked the holy days through the calendar that reflects the moon’s phases.
The chapter, Growing, shows how people celebrated these holy religious rituals and services. Reflecting on their significance of them, Atzberger states that the Jewish Sabbath is considered as important as any other holy day. This sacred day is celebrated every week at sunset on Friday evening and runs until after dark on Saturday evening. Sabbath rituals comprise Sabbath morning synagogue services attended by the community people of Nazareth. People joined public reading of the Torah, or Five Books of Moses, and listened to religious sermons that enhance spiritual knowledge for the listeners. After the festive meal, devotees spend time studying or relaxing.
Readers find that the next holy obligation for Jewish people is Shavuot Holy Day. Sivan is the month that contains the Shavuot Holy Day. According to Jewish people, Shavuot is among the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals that they worship with religious reverence and devotion. The book explains that the festival of Shavuot marks the giving of the Law (Torah) to Moses. The day commemorates the spiritual freedom people got when God gave Moses the Torah at the foot of Mount Sinai on Shavuot. Regarding the ritual of this holy day, readers learn that dairy meals are eaten during this festival.
Tammuz is the saddest month in the Jewish calendar. The Babylonian armies of King Nebuchadnezzar broke through the walls of Jerusalem on the ninth of Tammuz, captured many people, and destroyed the Holy Temple. Consequently, the 17th of Tammuz observes three weeks of mourning for the great tragedies they suffered. The reader sees how the mourning rituals included fasting, praying, and attending religious services.
The most important holy month in the Jewish faith is Yom Kippur; it is observed on the tenth day of Tishrei and is honored as the Feast of Atonement. It has special significance as it marks the day as a period of introspection and repentance. On this day, the high priest confesses all the sins via the ritual prayer, the Ashamnu. In this way, the people pray and ask forgiveness and mercy from God.
Readers come to know that during the holy month of Tevet, Jewish people fast and engage in other spiritual acts to remember the services of Ezra, the Scribe, who died on the ninth of Tevet. He was a great leader who brought the Jews back to the holy land from the Babylonian exile.
This book is perfect for people of any faith interested in knowing about the holy days and their significance and in empathizing with Jewish people. In addition, the book is of interest to people who have an interest in knowing Mary as a person in her own right. The book reveals the elements of Mary’s life and character we have rarely thought of. Reading this extraordinary book makes Mary accessible to us as a fellow person, highlighting her humanity and her virtuous living of the call God gave to her. Since the probable details of Mary’s biography are rarely available to the readers, this little history of her actual life brings her close to us.
This jam-packed little book is available on Amazon.
About the Author
Tom Atzberger is a retired Lawyer in Columbus, Ohio, married to his wife Christina since 1970. Tom completed three years of college-level studies in a Catholic seminary before earning degrees from John Carroll University and the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He and his wife of over fifty years, herself one of the early John Carroll woman graduates, are active in their church’s programs, including marriage preparation classes, singing, teaching young people about the Old Testament, and participating in Worldwide Marriage Encounter. The parents of three adult children, Tom and Chris teach English to immigrant people at the Dominican Learning Center in Columbus. If you need more information about the book, email at [email protected], or simply buy the book via Amazon.
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