New Cloverfield film will be a very cool sequel to the original

New Cloverfield film will be a very cool sequel to the original

New Cloverfield film will be a very cool sequel to the original

10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg says the new Cloverfield film is a very cool sequel to the original

2023 happens to be the 15th anniversary of the release of the creature feature Cloverfield (watch it HERE), which was directed by Matt Reeves and spawned an anthology franchise, being followed by Dan Trachtenberg’s 10 Cloverfield Lane and Julius Onah’s The Cloverfield Paradox. Last year, Under the Shadow‘s Babak Anvari signed on to direct a new Cloverfield sequel from a screenplay by iBoy writer Joe Barton. The only information we’ve really learned about this new Cloverfield sequel is that, unlike the original film, it won’t be presented in the found footage style. But during an interview with CinemaBlend, 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg revealed that the film is setting aside the anthology approach to be a direct sequel to the original film. He also said that it’s going to be “very cool”.

CinemaBlend was actually hoping Trachtenberg would tell them a direct follow-up to 10 Cloverfield Lane had been discussed. But when he was asked if there had been any talk of such a sequel, he said, “Not really. The sequel is to the original Cloverfield. But for our film, I would still totally be open to it. I think (10 Cloverfield Lane star Mary Elizabeth Winstead) would. … We talked a little bit in like ‘what if’ scenarios. And then I was pulled, all the filmmakers were sort of pulled into other things. But I would still consider it. There’s a lot that would be in the genre that that would be in, but you never know. The sequel they’re making is very cool.

Of course, he didn’t say why it’s going to be very cool.

Directed by Reeves from a screenplay by Drew Goddard and produced by J.J. Abrams (who has produced the sequels as well), the original Cloverfield has the following synopsis: As a group of New Yorkers enjoy a going-away party, little do they know that they will soon face the most terrifying night of their lives. A creature the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city, leaving death and destruction in its wake. Using a handheld video camera, the friends record their struggle to survive as New York crumbles around them.

That one starred Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, T.J. Miller, Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, and Odette Yustman.

Are you glad to hear the new Cloverfield sequel is a very cool follow-up to the original film? Share your thoughts on this franchise by leaving a comment below.

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